Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Oink Oink Plan

This is another duct tape moment. No I take that back, it's going to be a duct tape 4 YEARS!!!!!!!I just happen to be checking out Drudge & found out that the Stimulus Plan has passed. Are these people for REAL??????? I just don't get it.

Just three Republicans helped pass the plan on a 61-37 vote. Any idea who? Republican Sens. Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

How about this little bit of info. According to http://www.breitbart.com/, "Moments before the vote, the Congressional Budget Office issued a new estimate that put the cost at $838 billion, an increase from the $827 billion figure from last week." If this doesn't make you mad then I don't know what to say. That seems to be a VERY LARGE amount of money in my eyes.

Betsy McCaughey has an excellent article on Bloomberg.com about the Health Care Part of the Plan. Check out her article at: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/newspid=20601039&refer=columnist_mccaughey&sid=aLzfDxfbwhzs).

I guess I will have to sit down with my children in the near future to explain to them why they are going to have to either work 2 jobs or work an extra 40 hours a week when they become adults.

My dear children, I am very sorry for the mess this society has left you. Sorry kids, let me clarify. That President Obama A.K.A The Messiah & the Democratic Party has left you.



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