Wednesday, September 2, 2009

President To Address All Students

As I listened to the radio this morning, I found out that a historical day will occur on Sept. 8, 2009. President Obama will address all students, Pre K-12, across this nation. He is the first American president to speak to students. Obama will address the importance of education.

Do you really think that any child in a Pre K program is really going to understand what he will be saying? I have a 3rd & 5th grader & I don't perceive them paying attention, even if we were Liberals.

I smell a indoctrination agenda here. Go to & see for your self. After you read the letter to principles, be sure to read the classroom activities planned in a PDF or MS Word file for the different age groups.

I plan on asking the school if they plan on carrying out this hideous agenda. If so then I am wrestling with the idea of taking them out early, or request that they do not participate.

I would love to hear what your thoughts are about this issue by leaving a comment.

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